Monday, October 27, 2008


If I could become invisible I would do all sorts of crazy things. I could play pranks on everyone and not get caught. I could go places without having to pay or have an invitation. If I was invisible I would have so much fun. The first thing I would probably do is sneak into a movie theater or something and watch a new movie without having to pay. I would also maybe go to a really fancy restaurant and go into the kitchen and eat the best thing on the menu, and I wouldn't even have to pay a penny. Another thing I would do is go up to someone I really despise and start talking to them in a really weird/scary voice and when they turn around there would be no one there so they would just be freaking out. Some disadvantages of being invisible would be when your walking everyone would be bumping into you, I would get really tired of that. Another one would be you wouldn't be able to go to the doctor if your hurt badly. You couldn't tell him where it hurts because he wouldn't be able to see you.

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